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Blonde Connection - 2023

This annual publication highlights the actions of the Board of the Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Association to streamline the inner workings of the Association. Show results, the Sire Summary, Breeder listing, and any other information/articles that are Blonde related or could be of value to people interested in our breed. We hope our readers will enjoy this publication, and our breeders will see fit to promote their programs through the Blonde Connection.


Click here to download this year's magazine. You can also read it by clicking on our Flip Version here.


The Association would like to thank those who choose to advertise in the Blonde Connection, and for making it possible to bring the Blonde voice to the purebred and commercial industry. The editorial will provide you with information to better assist your operation which, in turn, ensures the growth of the breed in Canada.

What the Blonde Connection provides to advertisers:


  • The best opportunity to reach a wider Commercial and Purebred Blonde audience with an expanded distribution in relation to the member newsletter.

  • Every member (those listed on CLRC website) will receive a hard copy of the magazine.

  • Every person who has had a Blonde animal transferred into their name by the CLRC in the last five years will receive a hard copy of the magazine.

  • Hard copies will be sent to commercial mailing lists in each of the provinces (where available).

  • Each Province will receive copies for distribution at trade fairs.

  • Virtual copies will be available on the CBDA website and any other Blonde websites that wish to post it.

  • Emails will be sent to international interests directing them to the on-line version.

  • This publication will include all show results and champion pictures (when available), bull test results, a breeder list, sale reports, blondes in 4-H reports, pictures as well as other fun and interesting Blonde related articles. DON'T MISS OUT!


Advertising Rates (Click to download)


Ad Booking Deadline is January 22, 2024
Ad Copy & Content deadline is Feb 5, 2024
Published mid-March


Please forward completed ads to Jane Schiestel. If you have any other content that you would like to see included that can be forwarded to me as well. Additional content can be articles, pictures, etc.


Presidents of your respective Associations - please remember to send in your Provincial reports as well.

Blonde Connection

Blonde Connection Archive

Newsletter Archive

2023 Winter: PDF | Page Turner 

2023 Fall: PDF | Page Turner

2023 Summer: PDF | Page Turner

2022 Winter: PDF

2022 Fall PDF

2022 Summer PDF

2021 Winter

2020 Winter

2020 Fall

2019 Winter | Summer

2018 Winter | Fall | Summer

2017 Winter | Fall | Summer

2016 Winter | Fall | Summer

2015 Winter | Fall | Summer

2014 Winter | Fall | Summer

2013 Winter | Fall | Summer | Spring

2012 Winter | Fall | Summer | Spring

2011 Winter | Fall | Summer | Spring

2010 Winter | Fall | Summer | Spring



Since the summer of 2006, the Association has offered a newsletter for our members. It is distributed in the Summer, Fall, and Winter, enhancing the Blonde Connection that is distributed in the spring. The newsletter features events, articles, and programs of interest to members of the Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Association. The newsletter is e-mailed to all members with e-mail addresses, and posted on the Canadian website. If you would like to receive the Newsletter by email, please sign up through our website.


Ad Specifics: 

  • Ad rates are for camera-ready.

  • Ad rates are subject to 5% GST.

  • All ads must arrive camera-ready.

  • Ad content must be received through e-mail, Canada Post, or a CD.

  • Ads will not be considered sold until payment has been received.

  • Cheques must be made payable to:

  • Invoices will be mailed/emailed with payment instructions

  • Booking deadlines and distribution dates will be strictly adhered to. 

  • Quantity published: Approx 200 + downloaded free on the internet.


Summer Issue:

Ads Due: June 1

Distribution Date: June 15


Fall Issue:

Ads Due: September 1

Distribution Date: September 15


Winter Issue:

Ads Due: December 1

Distribution Date: December 15

Ad Rates and Dimensions:

Full Page: 8" w x 10½" h 

$100 +GST: $5 TOTAL: $105


1/2 Page: 4" w x 10½" h or 8" w x 5¾" h
$60 + GST: $3 TOTAL: $63


1/4 Page: 4" w x 5¼" h

$40 + GST: $2 TOTAL: $42


1/8 Page: 4" w x 2.625" h
$20 +GST: $1 TOTAL: $21


* Bleed to edge (8½" x 11") on all full page ads. All ads are full colour.

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Ad Info
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