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Bulls On Test

Throughout the year, many Blonde d'Aquitaine bulls are on supervised test at various bull test centres across Canada. Upon completion of the various tests, AgSights (formerly BIO) combines performance and ultrasound data to calculate EPDs. The EPD information is used by breeders across the country as they select bulls for their breeding programs. BIO's mission is to provide genetic and management products and services to feeders of beef cattle and enhance the competitive position of the beef industry.

In addition, many Blonde breeders conduct their own home bull tests as they work to attain a quality calf crop. Please click any of the links below to follow Canada's Bull Test Results.


Archives - Past Bull Tests

Please note: Some bull tests have been removed because they were removed from an external website. If you would like bull test results prior to the ones included here, please E-mail Nicholas Boyd or call 519-835-9099.

    2021 - 2022 BULL TESTS
        Dusty Acre Blondes

    2018 - 2019 BULL TESTS
        Crystal Farms
        Quebec Bull Test
        Dusty Acre Blondes

    2017 - 2018 BULL TESTS

    2016 - 2017 BULL TESTS
        Crystal Farms
        Dusty Acre Blondes

    2015 - 2016 BULL TESTS
        Crystal Farms
        Dusty Acres Blondes

    2014 - 2015 BULL TESTS
        Broekland Farms 1
        Kenilworth 2
        MBRHEO Cattle 1
        MBRHEO Cattle 2
        West Wind Blondes

If you would like a free information package, please E-mail the Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Association.


Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Association
c/o Canadian Livestock Records Corporation, 2417 Holly Lane, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0M7
Phone: 613-731-7110 ... Fax: 613-731-0704 ... E-Mail

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